NCCJC designs and leads customized, interactive, and culturally relevant training informed by the wisdom and experience of our communities. We work with municipalities, non-governmental groups, non-profits, grassroots groups, and statewide networks to embrace climate justice principles and catalyze just action in response to climate change.

Building Everybody’s Movement
September 2021 to January 2022
Building Everybody’s Movement is our online training series inspired by Everybody’s Movement by Angela Park
Building Everybody’s Movement Series Line up:
- Climate Justice is Racial Justice
- A Powerful Framework of Social Activism : The 4 Rs of Social Transformation
- A Just Transition: Defining a Regenerative Economy
- Climate Justice, a Time for Reflection
- Revolutionary Joy: Access your Creative Power
Training Cooperative Workshops
The following are examples of workshops currently offered free of charge to impacted community-based groups:
1) Beyond Disaster Relief: Strategies for Just Recovery (3-8 hours)
Using a Just Recovery framework, this workshop highlights the strengths and vulnerabilities specific populations have to the impacts of climate change as well as an orientation to grassroots organizing for equitable, long term solutions.
2) Introduction to Climate Justice and Climate Adaptation Planning (3-8 hrs)
This workshop supports community members to assess the status of their town or city’s climate readiness and explore how to incorporate climate equity principles, practices and benchmarks.
3) From Bouncing Back to Bouncing Forward: Resilience Skills for Personal, Communal and Ecological Well-being (2-10 hrs)
This workshop employs a Transformative Resilience skills framework to develop greater resilience in the face of current and future climate disasters.
4) Igniting the Regenerative Economy (3 hrs)
This workshop explores opportunities to galvanize local green job creation through ecological restoration, green building and solar energy approaches.