Currently Happening: Winning The World We Want, 4 R’s Indie Film Fest. Please join us!
Are you a grassroots group working on how climate change impacts food, water, energy, housing, transportation, jobs and health in North Carolina?
If so, please reach out to us to join our ecosystem of movement actors.
We offer free workshops to impacted community-based groups. We also create workshops for municipalities, non-profits, businesses, native nations, and groups of concerned people across the state.
Learn more here.
Do you have a specific skill that you would like to offer to the NCCJC, including media and communication skills, website design, fundraising, culture work, organizational consulting? Are you a self-starter, a creative, a thought partner?
Fill out our Volunteer Interest Form.
Support Our Work
Your support is vital to winning a livable future! Every contribution matters and helps us build everybody’s movement.
Your donation to NC Climate Justice Collective, a 501 (c)3 organization, is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. For more information, contact us at
To donate by check, make checks payable to NC Climate Justice Collective and mail to:
PO Box 15422
Durham, NC 27704