We believe all people have a vital contribution to make in dealing with climate change. Achieving climate justice requires a fundamental transformation of our society based on the principles of social, environmental, and economic justice.
The NC Climate Justice Collective cultivates a multi-racial, intergenerational grassroots movement ecosystem to address the root causes of climate change. Using popular education and cultural organizing, we ignite social transformation. We center all our work in the leadership of youth, Black, Indigenous and people of color, women, low wealth people, and LGBTQI+ people to create strategic alignment. We are bringing an end to fracked gas infrastructure, coal ash pollution, industrial agriculture and forest destruction while planting the seeds of a life-sustaining, regenerative society.
We are shifting the cultural paradigm, turning our society away from destruction and toward equitable, earth-honoring, inclusive community building. The current political and economic system is driven by – and reinforces – separation, alienation, and interlocking oppressions necessitated by greed and domination. Our animating principle is the experience of interconnection. As we live deeply into this principle, we experience love, joy, creativity, and authentic relationships in our movement. Together, we are healing the wounds of our separation from nature and understanding ourselves as nature. We can only create a thriving, regenerative economy if we embody mutual respect and practice reciprocity. The Collective is distinguished by our commitment to this way of being in all aspects of our work together.